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Meet the unique therapist, creator, and soul of the Highduck® brand

Hi, I’m Justine and I warmly welcome you to Highduck®. I created the Highduck® space with passion, a passion to help people to change heavy dark energy into lightness and colour. 

I specialize in joy, and in witnessing a transformation in my clients, which makes me very proud and fulfilled. In life, nature inspires me the most! I love dancing on green grass and cycling down the hill with my legs up, laughing away. I will make sure you are provided with a therapeutic space that is safe, comfortable, and filled with light. People feel peaceful, energized, and inspired around me. I can assist you in addressing your needs, including all those little things that can make a huge difference in respecting your individuality. For some, this can mean a fresh raspberry from my garden in a glass of water, or hot ginger tea with some honey. For others, it might be a cosy blanket, with a comfortable pillow. 

See what other people say about my work

The work we have done made me finally connect to my inner child. I hated this part of me. Now, because I love my inner child, other people respect me too. I will be forever grateful to you for saying – No one can do that to Little Paula! No they cant! Thank you


When I went to Justine, I had been to a few therapists who I felt had not really gotten me. I was struggling; I felt vulnerable and small and scared. Justine created a safe space for me which allowed me to work through many of the things I struggled with and helped me rebuild myself. Her sessions, though sometimes hard, became the highlight of my week, and brought to me a feeling of accomplishment and self worth. She brings perception, honesty, and joy to her sessions, and it makes all the difference. 


With Justine, I finally realized that I can’t let people walk all over me! I stopped over-giving myself to others and feeling guilty about doing things for myself. I built my confidence and I know what self-care is.


I went to see many therapists over the years, but it did not get me anywhere. Still the same old story. When I started with Justine, I was very sceptical. I thought she would be the same as others. But she was not! I needed more than just sitting and talking and the therapist listening. After a few sessions, I finally got the answers to why things are happening and felt relieved. Thanks to Justine, I found peace inside.


As part of the preparation to detox, I have attended Justine’s workshop on how to integrate body and mind when trying to do it. As part of the workshop, I was encouraged to specify what my goals are, what I think of detox as a process, how to look after my needs when trying new things in order to implement changes, as well as how to stick to some of those positive changes for good. What I most enjoyed in the workshop was the emphasis on self-care and on listening to and fulfilling our needs.  Another big learning for me was the strong realisation of how important our attitude towards the process is. Justine encouraged us to look at detox from a different perspective. Some of the advice / suggestions and new learning is very universal and could be helpful in everyday life, not only when doing a detox. It was a great experience, thank you!


Firstly, I’d like to thank you for all your help over the last number of months. You have gotten me through a lot. Without your help I’m not sure how I might have managed. You have given me tools that I will carry for a long time.

A beautiful soul (Confidential)

As you say, Justine: Ding Dong 😉 My depression is over! Thank you!


Am I qualified? No worries!

My educational background, combined with over 15 years’ experience working in the area of mental health, makes me qualified to understand what it means to be human. I decided to become a psychologist when I realized people were dying emotionally while working in palliative care. I discovered that, by becoming a psychotherapist, I could heal old wounds while working with people experiencing intellectual difficulties. What makes a brilliant therapist is the personal process. For this reason, when studying for over eight years, I pulled my own self apart and then put my-self back together. 

You can read my MSc research here

At the core of my therapeutic work is Carls Rogers’ humanistic approach, of non-judgemental, empathic, safe therapeutic relationships.

In my therapeutic process, I use:

  • Psychosynthesis
  • Internal Family Working Systems
  • Schema Therapy
  • Gestalt
  • Classical and postmodern psychoanalysis
  • Cognitive Behaviour Therapy
  • Mindfulness
  • Breathing
  • Body work
  • Body movement
  • Trauma research
  • Polyvagal Theory
  • Family Constellations Theory
  • Non-Violent Communication.

The story behind the brand

Highduck® is connected to my own surname, a name I have been ashamed of for many years; a name that represented hurt, rejection, and pain! All I could see was my father’s surname on his business card. All I could think of was the hurt and disaster it represented for me.

After an incredibly personal process, I have changed the energy of my own surname. Now, I have taken from my father all his beautiful qualities and recycled this negative energy associated with the name, not only for me, but also for my son and future Highduck® generation.

I am not an ordinary grey duck! I have always been unique. Thinking differently, being different, and living outside the ‘box’. Suddenly, I discovered an unusual duck – the mandarin duck, and I found myself again. It has my colourful energy and willingness to be and create, where everything is possible for me. Today,  I am proud of my surname, I own it. HighDuck® can fly high.
I invite you to start the process of truly and proudly owning who you are.
Remember - there is nothing wrong with you. You have only forgotten how to fly.

Check in if we have a flow

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