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See what can I do for you

Womankind. Perfect balance

Find the perfect balance between being a woman, a partner, and a mother. Learn how to connect with the depths of your soul, to navigate your heart from being lost to grounded, lonely to connected, unattractive to desired, exhausted to well-rested, ignored to understand, etc.

For who?

Women who want to connect with themselves and discover all the shapes and colours of their unique feminine energy. Learn how to live happily and balance life with all the roles and responsibilities you need to take on.

What is the workshop about exactly?

It’s about exploring your identity as a woman and understanding the different roles they play in your life. This playful and colourful space is designed for you to open up to your emotions waiting to be discovered.

What workshop include?

  • A 90-minute live session with guided visualization
  • A 30-minute Q&A section, providing personalized support
  • A 14-day workbook journal ready-to-print which enhances your experience and helps you make the whole process sustainable

How will you benefit from this workshop?

You’re going to expand your understanding of who you are as a woman. And most importantly, I hope you will learn how to discover your needs and be able to look after yourself.

Bring some understanding and compassion into your heart. The end goal of the workshop is you use your powerful energy to move away from the darkness and burdens from your life. Finally, you will have lightness and brightness every day and smile more!

What can I expect during the workshop?

We’ll meet on Zoom and start with a simple introduction. To start your journey, you will need paper and crayons. I’ll ask you to get comfortable. Make yourself a tasty tea or coffee, grab a pillow, light a candle, maybe open a window, or put on some background noise — whatever you need to make yourself feel safe.

You will get an understanding of how your personalities as a woman, partner, and mother develop through life’s experiences. Next, I’ll guide you through a spiritual visualization which leads you to a journey within your personality. Then you’re going to create an image of your process. Finally, you can choose to connect with the group and share some of the parts of your visualization, if you would like.

I know what you might be thinking: “It’s not for me. I don’t want to talk about my private life with strangers!” Of course, you don’t! And I will never put you in this position.

The benefit of the workshop is not from emotional exposure but from the experience itself. Most of my clients find it very healing & validating for their feelings. There will be time for you to ask questions and get answers to make sure that you’ll leave with clarity. At the end, I’ll introduce you to a journal allowing you to grow and glow on a deeper level in your own time.

How to join?

Check the date of the upcoming workshop and book your spot.

Do you have questions? I’ll be happy to support you